Monday, December 19, 2011

Body Image and Eating Disorders

Most eating disorder sufferers have a tendency to view their body inaccurately.  This distorted body image issue, the subject of much research and concern, seems to possibly offer an early indication of a possible eating disorder developing in an individual.  A joint study from the University of Haifa, Soroka University Medical Center and Achva Academic College provides insight into this through body image drawings.

Have you ever drawn your full body image?  Do you believe it accurately reflects your build?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tips for helping boys or men who have an eating disorder


Encourage them to get help early. The longer you have an eating disorder, the harder it is to treat and the more likely it is for depression and other problems to set in.
Let them know they are not alone. Men in particular may feel isolated by their eating disorder, but they have more company than they realize.
Find a treatment program or support group that’s specifically geared toward men.
Remind them that the goal of advertising is to make people feel poorly about themselves so they will buy products to feel better.
Recognize that porn stars, like fashion models, are chosen because their physiques are unusual - and not typical.
Make sure they know that treatment for eating disorders is effective.
...Link to original article here.
Why is it that men are often thought of as insusceptible to developing eating disorders?  How can changing this bias thinking increase awareness of males who may be suffering with an eating disorder?

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Address an Eating Disorder

GET UPDATES FROM Gabrielle Bernstein

I spent decades suffering from an eating disorder. I was a binge eater. After each binge, I'd spend hours in the gym trying to burn off the calories I'd consumed. Through my spirit junkie path and a lot of self-love, I'm happy to say I've overcome this addiction. There is hope and help.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with an eating disorder, then this interview will be a powerful guide. I'm thrilled to introduce you to my dear friend and psychotherapist Tracy Goodman. Not only is Tracy an incredible eating disorder specialist, but she's also experienced her own recovery first hand. She is a true power of example for us all.
...Read the interview here.
Eating Disorders are often the result of an underlying issue that is addressed in treatment.  What is the importance of understanding the root of an eating disorder and treating it?

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders

By Liz Lockhart

A recently published book called ‘A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders’ provides much needed information for parents who are faced with the bewildering world of a child’s eating disorder.
“Parents are simply invaluable in recovery” say the authors Boachie and Jasper. How do you reach out to your child when they have a serious, life threatening illness that even medical professionals struggle to understand?  How do you help when it can be hard to convince your son or daughter that you are on their side? The first step must be finding some way of putting the problem into words that everyone can understand, and for an illness as complex as eating disorders this is never easy.

...Continue reading here.
If your child is in recovery for an eating disorder, what can you share from your journey and experiences that may encourage other parents who are going through a similar situation?

Monday, September 26, 2011

PA seniors sponsoring ‘I Am Beautiful’ charity game


Second annual event to be held October 2 against WA

Pittston Area National Honor Society seniors Mallory Yozwiak and Gabrielle Vaxmonsky will sponsor the second annual "I Am Beautiful" Charity field hockey game on Sunday, October 2 at 2 p.m. at the Bucky Harris Athletic Complex in Hughestown. Proceeds of the game will benefit eating disorder awareness in local communities and schools.

After last year’s inaugural game, the girls raised over $2,000 for eating disorder awareness. The money was donated to the Hershey Medical Center Eating Disorder Program, the National Eating Disorder Awareness Organization and the Ronald McDonald House. 
...Continue reading here.
What is something you can do today to advocate for eating disorder awareness?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Family meals have positive effect on teenagers


Berlin - Family meals can have a positive effect on the nutritional habits of youngsters, according to a study of 180,000 young people conducted by the University of Illinois.

Evaluating the study, German paediatricians said that adolescents who ate with their parents at least three times a week were on average 12 per cent less likely to suffer from being overweight or obese than those who did not join family meals.
...Continue reading here.
Many studies have revealed the positive impact that family meals can have on children and teens, particularly as it has shown to help in the prevention of eating disordered behaviors.  How can you begin making family meals a routine part of your lives?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Eating disorders among teens also can be troubling to boys



Eating disorders are commonly thought of as a "girls only" problem. Yet some experts have become increasingly concerned about boys — particularly adolescent boys — who are at risk for unhealthy eating patterns, or who have eating disorders.

If you suspect that your teenage son or daughter is struggling with an eating disorder, know that there is help available and resources for recovery.  As a parent, what are warning signs to be aware of that your child may be dealing with disordered eating?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

NAMI DuPage offers Education Course for Parents

By Mary Dalton  

NAMI of DuPage County (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) will be sponsoring the NAMI Basics education program for families and caregivers of children and adolescents coping with brain disorders. The course is taught by trained family members who have experienced firsthand the rewards and challenges of raising children with brain disorders. All instruction and course materials are free for course participants.
...Continue reading here.
If you have a child who is in recovery from an eating disorder, what resources have been valuable to you along the journey?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Eating-disorder patients battle insurers over care


When Jeanene Harlick's weight dropped to 65 percent of normal, her doctors recommended the San Mateo woman go into an intensive residential treatment facility that specialized in treating anorexia and other eating disorders.
If you or someone you know is seeking treatment for an eating disorder, has insurance coverage hindered or helped your experience?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Eating Disorders and Families

An informal evening for parents of kids with eating disorders.

 Eating disorders can be isolating for families as well as for those who have them. This program gives parents a chance to connect with other parents, share challenges and successes, and learn more about the positive role families can play in eating disorder recovery.

Dr. Daniel Le Grange, director of the University of Chicago Eating Disorders Program, will discuss how families can help a child or teen with an eating disorder.

Harriet Brown, author of Brave Girl Eating, will describe her family's battle with their daughter's anorexia.

Through excerpts from the book, frank talk about eating disorders, and Q&A, Brown will energize and inspire families struggling with eating disorders.

Meet us for coffee and join the conversation!
To find out more about the Eating Disorders Program
at The University of Chicago Medical Center, please

October 20, 2011, 7 - 9 pm
The Quadrangle Club
1155 East 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

This event is free and open to the public,
but space is limited. Please RSVP to reserve
your place at
or call Leah Boepple at 773-702-0789.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

People with a mental illness need to know they're not alone

By Kerry Dennehy, Vancouver Sun

With the passing - and let's be clear from the start, the suicide - of hockey players Rick Rypien and Wade Belak on many readers' minds, it may be timely to offer hopeful news about current and upcoming mental health initiatives.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health illness, such as an eating disorder, know that you are not alone and there is hope for recovery.  What can you do to make the first step towards recovery today?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Parents Talk: Finding Time for the Family Meal

Source for article:
It can be downright impossible to get everyone together for a family meal, but research shows the benefits far outweigh any hassle.

Many of us have fond memories of dinner (or supper) time growing up.

Mealtime served two purposes -- to replenish ourselves after a full day of work or school and, more importantly, to share and reconnect as a family.
...Continue reading article here
Research continues to demonstrate the benefits of family meals, including a decreased risk of eating disorders developing in children.  As a parent, what are tips to make family meals possible during the week?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helping eating-disorder sufferers heal


DENVER - It is estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder - 7 million women and 1 million men. Nearly half of all Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder, according to National Association of Anorexia.
...Continue reading article and view video here.
If you suspect a loved one is struggling with an eating disorder, what are ways you can refer them to adequate help or professionals?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eating Disorder Treatment – Overcoming Eating Disorders


While the term “eating disorder” brings tо mind a person who iѕ severely underweight, іn reality theѕе disorders affect people who arе mаnу different shapes and sizes. People thаt suffer frоm an eating disorder cаn bе the stereo-typical underweight оr the severely overweight person, but mоre commonly they аre everyday people that appeаr tо bе a healthy weight. Many times theѕe types оf disorders сan bе brought simply by а distorted body image that gets blown wау оut оf proportion.
...Finish reading article

If you have a loved one affected by an eating disorder, it can be extremely difficult to see them struggling through this disease.  Why is seeking recovery and treatment important not only for the individual suffering but for family involved as well?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We’re Not Buying It – Sending a Message to Advertisers


A number of studies have demonstrated that televised and print media have a profound influence on individuals who are either vulnerable of developing or currently struggling with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating disorder.  The findings of research conducted in Fiji, where television was introduced less than 20 years ago, revealed a direct correlation between imagery of super skinny celebrities and models and a shift in public opinions and perceptions of body image.  It should come as no surprise that in American culture the pervasive advertising campaigns promoting “thin is in” have seriously impacted how individuals see themselves and others.
...Continue reading

The severity of eating disorders is often downplayed in media portrayals of food and body image.  What are ways to spread awareness of the seriousness of this disease?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Food and Your Body

Something funny is going on. More girls are on diets and more girls are overweight than ever before. Let's face it, many of us have a tortured relationship with food.
But not liking your body -- and not being able to enjoy food without guilt -- takes the fun out of life. You can wind up feeling bad most of the time, and your friends probably do too. Here are six ways to feel good about yourself and your food.
...Continuing reading article
Establishing a positive relationship with food and your body is something that can start in early childhood.  What is something you can do today to practice loving and accepting yourself?

Friday, August 12, 2011

The bad body image epidemic

by Eloise King @ the Harold Sun

WOMEN  have an average of 13 negative things to say about themselves each day, according to a recent US survey. The quest for the "perfect" body has become normal for many women. The cost of this social issue is it continues to churn out generations of women who believe they are not good enough.
...Finish reading article

One way to create a positive body-image is to learn self-love.  What is something positive you can compliment yourself about today?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Building Confidence in Young Girls: 5 Ways to Build Your Daughter's Self-Esteem

by Amber J. Cabrera

Confidence is something that is all too lacking in our children today. There are too many negative influences out there that can rip away a child's self esteem. Peers who have their own insecurities can bring down others by bullying which can leave your child feeling insecure also. Here are five ways to keep your daughter's confidence and self-esteem high while involving them in positive activities that give them purpose and meaning.
...Finish reading article
Statistics are revealing the startling young age that children are developing eating disorders.  How can implementing steps to build their self-confidence prevent eating disorders from developing?

Monday, August 8, 2011

How family meals can stop anorexia


London - Teenagers who switch off the TV and sit down to family meals are less likely to suffer eating disorders.
A study has found eating together lowers the rates of bulimia and anorexia. Meals are also less likely to be skipped, and adolescents used to eating round the table are less likely to take up smoking to lose weight. 
With busy schedules, it can be difficult to make family meals a priority.  With studies showing the importance of family meals in preventing disordered eating in children, what are ways to incorporate family meals as a part of a daily routine?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Parents: Help Teens Discover a New Perspective – Instead of Pencil Thin, Healthy Is In

Source for article:

"Do you have a teenager for whom weight is a perennial concern? Does your daughter (or son) go from bingeing to purging, with weight fluctuation a constant concern? Have you tried without success to get your child to understand the dangers inherent in such serious yo-yo dieting? You’re not alone. Millions of parents in America struggle with this issue, wondering how to best help their children overcome issues with eating."

Please continue reading this informative article by following this link:
If you are a parent of a teenager that may be struggling with an eating disorder, what are ways that you have been successful in reaching out to them?  What are some challenges that you may be encountering?

To read more excellent articles regarding eating disorders, visit the Eating Disorder Hope Articles Library.