Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tips for helping boys or men who have an eating disorder


Encourage them to get help early. The longer you have an eating disorder, the harder it is to treat and the more likely it is for depression and other problems to set in.
Let them know they are not alone. Men in particular may feel isolated by their eating disorder, but they have more company than they realize.
Find a treatment program or support group that’s specifically geared toward men.
Remind them that the goal of advertising is to make people feel poorly about themselves so they will buy products to feel better.
Recognize that porn stars, like fashion models, are chosen because their physiques are unusual - and not typical.
Make sure they know that treatment for eating disorders is effective.
...Link to original article here.
Why is it that men are often thought of as insusceptible to developing eating disorders?  How can changing this bias thinking increase awareness of males who may be suffering with an eating disorder?