Friday, October 21, 2011

How to Address an Eating Disorder

GET UPDATES FROM Gabrielle Bernstein

I spent decades suffering from an eating disorder. I was a binge eater. After each binge, I'd spend hours in the gym trying to burn off the calories I'd consumed. Through my spirit junkie path and a lot of self-love, I'm happy to say I've overcome this addiction. There is hope and help.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with an eating disorder, then this interview will be a powerful guide. I'm thrilled to introduce you to my dear friend and psychotherapist Tracy Goodman. Not only is Tracy an incredible eating disorder specialist, but she's also experienced her own recovery first hand. She is a true power of example for us all.
...Read the interview here.
Eating Disorders are often the result of an underlying issue that is addressed in treatment.  What is the importance of understanding the root of an eating disorder and treating it?

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders

By Liz Lockhart

A recently published book called ‘A Parent’s Guide to Defeating Eating Disorders’ provides much needed information for parents who are faced with the bewildering world of a child’s eating disorder.
“Parents are simply invaluable in recovery” say the authors Boachie and Jasper. How do you reach out to your child when they have a serious, life threatening illness that even medical professionals struggle to understand?  How do you help when it can be hard to convince your son or daughter that you are on their side? The first step must be finding some way of putting the problem into words that everyone can understand, and for an illness as complex as eating disorders this is never easy.

...Continue reading here.
If your child is in recovery for an eating disorder, what can you share from your journey and experiences that may encourage other parents who are going through a similar situation?